The official list of commands: all commands start with '<<' and end with '>>' with the exception of the paragraph marker: @ NOTE: to avoid coloring errors, make all commands LIGHT GRAY.. and make the '@' symbol the color of the next few words.. ( look at existing quest ansi file for an example ) @ <-- This symbol is VERY important and essential.. it marks the begginning of a new paragraph. and it MUST be present before a command... and at the beginning of the line after a command... example: @walking.... @travelling.... @Then you see some light in the distance, glowing mysteriously.. you approach it, but a creature jumps out! @<> @The creatures corpse now lie on the ground.... << blah blah blah >> <- the firstline of the whole quest.. The firstline of the whole quest is the name and brief description of the quest... please do not make longer than 60 characters... Refer to the examples and see what their first line looks like. <> This commmand calls monsters to attack the adventurer... it is necessary to put a few of these EVERYDAY of the quest to make it more interesting.... xx is the monster code.... or in monster.dat, the line number of that specific monster or person... yy is the number of monsters.... example: @<> this calls out 6 of those monsters on line 105 in monster.dat NOTE: yy cannot exceed 10, or there will be problems.... another words never more than 10 monsters at a time! <> This command calls on a ANSI graphics screen... to add some pictures to your quest. Not necessary at all... A good book is in no need of pictures.... (of course if you are a great artist, then you should use lots of them) the file name to display.. example: @<> this display the ansi file called land.ans NOTE: the file doesn't have to be ansi... just text oriented.. <> this command displays the kingdom the adventurer is from... example: @You said "Yeah, I am from <>, its down south..." this line would in reality display: (if the guy is from Askelon) You said "Yeah, I am from Askelon, its down south..." NOTE: try not to use too many of these, they are quite annoying.. <> same as above, except it displays the name of the character instead of the kingdom... <> A VERY NECESSARY command. marks the days.... check in the example files as to see how they are used.. x is the day.... example: @<> <> Marks the end of quest and marks the beggining of all the rewards.. NOTE: the following commands may only be used at the end of the quest after the <> <> this command rewards attributes and stats to the quest taker xx = the kind of stat (the number saying what stat is to be increased... eg: hps... xx code: 4 = leadership 9 = charm 11 = hitpoints 12 = str 13 = defense 14 = magicpoints (the max) 15 = stamina 16 = wisdom 17 = intellect 18 = agility or dexterity yy = is the number of increaase and reward.. example: @<> this command rewards 20 wisdom to the quest taker. <> this command rewards an item to the quest taker.. NOTE: only one item maybe rewarded in one quest n M+ltGG>Îǵٷ.6+>n+tv MËSw V Sw V 6V\ S6fÀ&&NjSw V 6fÎNj6fÎNj6Fq9F*<NRPSUVWQ6.vv׎ߊ̘r.w6>nw6&Y_^][XZϵPQ?? Ŋ"2t t "< u YX$YXø5!6~66&Y_^][XZ6.~SQR &""¹ ZY[UVW&D %E &D '瓍t֋瓋փÃV瑋瓇^p'擋文vN؃@ u -t,ׇx HyvL|TD_^]øPQd ĊYXUVWDLTt=|8-<|3 rw+:krw#?vrww,ً΋+gn,}|'^+ґPӑE>  ĪvD Ȫ_^]ð  !!!&!-!K!4!$F%%%C!!!!!!!!C'xt"n"